Taking The Stress Out Of Getting A Massage
If you are interested in learning about the many wonderful benefits a massage can offer you, the following article will help. Massages can ease stress and alleviate many common ailments that slow us down and cause us discomfort. Read the following tips and advice that will convince you that you are overdue for a great massage! Change your mindset about massage. Instead of thinking of it as a luxury, think of massage as a therapeutic approach to health. Research shows that massage can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as lessening asthma symptoms in children. Additionally, those tension headaches are no match for the hands of a skilled massage therapist. Drink a glass of water directly after getting a massage. The pressure from a massage will release toxins into your body that were being held in by the muscle. You will find fewer side effects from your massage by flushing these toxins away with plenty of water. Try to have two or three glasses in the first hour a...